Thursday, 4 August 2011


After making some research on Pandan leaf or better known as daun pandan in Malay and several phone calls to my grand ma to reconfirm on several tips, I found Daun pandan topic very interesting.

benefit of pandan tea ..
( the recipe was uploaded by me yesterday 3-8-11)

Treats leprosy, smallpox and wounds.
Helps reduce fever
Solves several skin problems
Relives headache and arthritis
Treatment for ear pains
Functions as a laxative for children

Eases chest pains

Helps in speeding up the recuperation of women who have just given birth and are still weak
Pandan reduces stomach spasms and strengthens the gum.

It can also be used as antiseptic and anti-bacterial, which makes it ideal for healing wounds. In the same manner, a preparation derived from the bark of this plant may be used to address skin problems. Many people have also discovered that it is an effective remedy for cough. In India, pandan leaves are being used to treat skin disorders like leprosy and smallpox. The bitter tasting quality of the leaves makes it ideal for health problems which include, but are not limited to, diabetes fever, ulcer and wounds. In Hawaii, pandan flowers are being chewed by mothers who later give the chewed flowers to their children, as laxative. The juice extracted from pounded roots of this tree is used and mixed with other ingredients to ease chest pains. Also, it is used as tonic for women who have just given birth and who are still in weak states. Pandan flowers have also been traced with characteristics that function as aphrodisiac. Pandan also manifests anti-cancer activities, and that is why modern researches in the United States have subjected this plant for further experiments and investigation.

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