Thursday, 23 October 2014

A small attempt means a lot in our life

Is sharing knowledge is considered caring...?

My passion are always cooking, baking, traveling, reading, painting and collecting, caring for my orchids.
With all those social media mushrooming, we are blessed with apps that connect us with many strangers, sharing knowledge, hobbies, recipe, travel experiences and even coffee buddies. The positive aura from the new network that we gained from social are (sometimes) overwhelmed. Some comments are meant to banter in a positive way, some sounds almost bickering, some posts that show us are further talented than the gossip mongers will be labelled as narcissist. Some posts with haute-couture cladded at product launching events will hit some perverts' bottom bone goes harder and nastier.

Questions are paramount in our mind. We started to questions ourself ..

1) Early compliment with likes, comments on posts and photoes - we can imagine their attitude on how they reacted on posts.
- some are nosy and noisy
- some will provoke and spoil our day even though our post is to generate positivity. We can't stop these people

2) Photoes privacy - will our educative photo will be used on their social media without any credit to us. Will our photoes will be photo-imposed by the small-brainy.

When it comes to educative/informative non-photoes posting on Facebook or on twitter, will our talent/knowledge get the credits?

I love to write, I love to share my recipes, my knowledge/technique on baking, scientific/health info but then sometimes it gets too much. there are times where i just dont feel like sharing... not that i dont want to but time is not on my side .. sharing is indeed caring but when credit is not given where it is due... it can really make one decide to just keep it simple and post pics in IG or twitter instead. Complied to all means in my life, I earned my knowledge from cooking not from Internet, I can say 80% of my cooking, baking knowledge I harvested from my mak, my uwan, books, chef wan for Malay cookings, Gordon Ramsay for baking. I am from that senza-Internet era.

#socialmedia #apps #saythanku

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Location:Varberg, Sweden

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