Legend says..when u can't sleep at night, it's because u are awake in someone else dream. It's a legend, don't believe that. He probably snoring or sleep so good there.

Some fellow Oxonian said..people with the highest IQ stay up late at night because their brains have increased mental stimulation between 1.30am till 4.30am. I looked at the time, it was 3.30am.
I started to think about work, nothing crucial, but man..why on earth that I am so creative at this wee hour. In a way I like it too.
And suddenly I think if u are in love, u will definitely miss someone. (Blushing..!feel the warmth on that face) Your love one probably away and communication is less than usual to each other. Perhaps don't even think that the messages u sent 5 days ago ever reach him. Network difficulties and communication breakdown. Angry..? No. Sad? Not really and rather put the understanding word here. U kind of take it at a slow phase because u trust your heart, your brain, your six sense that your love one can be trusted. Perhaps your love is away solely on duty. What have U miss? The closeness when both of u talk, chatting, sharing stories and intense feeling together. U trust him because u know he is honest. Throughout your relationship he has a good history of being honest. When u told him your pain, your hardship he tried to help. He tried his best there. Understanding that he has ownership of his own life. So..he is your truth teller there.
Do u know the important role of truth-tellers in our lives is to keep us in balance (usually the people closest to us)?
Toxic people is everywhere. Most of us know one or two. If u've ever spent time with truly toxic people, u already know how destructive and exhausting they can be. They are mean, mentally, verbally and maybe physically.

Truth teller can be your beloved one, your childhood friends, the one u trust. They will say how they feel straightforwardly..about themselves and about u. Once u have one or few of them in life..keep! They hard to come by. Your life probably already happy. Adding a truth teller in life can make u laugh bigger, smile wider, grow better, lust, want, crave, feel, make u mad but happy, keep that. That's euphoria
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