Broccoli's nutritional profile is impressive. It contains high levels of fiber (both soluble and insoluble) and is a rich source of vitamin-C.
In fact, just a 100 gram serving of broccoli will provide you with more than 150% of your recommended daily intake of vitamin C, which in large doses can potentially shorten the duration of the common cold.1
Broccoli is also rich in vitamin A, iron, vitamin K, B-complex vitamins, zinc, phosphorus and phyto-nutrients.

So this is what this green lumps do -
Prevent osteoarthritis - a British study revealed that broccoli contains a compound called sulfophane which may help fight osteoarthritis3 - sulforaphane can block cartilage-destroying enzymes by intercepting a molecule that causes inflammation.
Protect your skin against the effects of UV light - broccoli may help prevent skin cancer, not by eating it though, but by applying it directly to the skin. An article in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that the damaging effects of UV (ultraviolet) radiation can be appreciably reduced with the topical application of a broccoli extract.
Reverse diabetes heart damage - eating broccoli promotes the production of enzymes that help protect heart blood vessels5 and reduce the molecules that damage them.
Reduce cancer risk - eat broccoli just three times each month and you could potentially reduce the chance of developing bladder cancer
Broccoli plant compound detoxifies air pollutants in the body .

On top of this, there is evidence that the chemical compound sulforaphane found in broccoli can protect the brain from post-injury damage. A study published in Neuroscience Letters in 2009 reported that mice that were given this compound performed much better in a maze test than those who were not.
The vitamins in broccoli help convert tryptophan into serotonin, your good mood brain chemical, and the large amounts of vitamin K in broccoli enhance cognitive function and improve brainpower. Try adding green veggies like spinach, broccoli and brussels sprouts to your diet. The easiest way to add green veggies is simply to add a salad to your lunch and dinner.

- Opinion is solely mine when I made this article.
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